Tuesday, November 18, 2008

MEA to Deer Season 2008 - Trail Cam Pics/video

Sorry this has taken this long to post. Most of it has to do with learning YouTube and how to convert a trail cam video clip to a "YouTube" video and connecting that to the blog. Thanks to Lonnie's patience, I developed a new skill.

So what's the takeaway from the pictures and video? I think if you plant habitat, the deer will come. We just looked at three of the trail cams. The camera on the north end of the 120 acres still has the San Disk with the pics. The most active camera between MEA and deer season was the pond stand with 18 of the 72 pictures of deer; most were at night. Second was the gate camera with a number of video clips and a few still shots of deer. The most significant video during this time was of a Timber Wolf! Finally, the least active camera was the one by Matt's stand. Although we had some deer activity, we had lots more people activity. During the opening weekend, however, this area was one of the busiest.

I think next year we will be moving some of the cameras and maybe adding one or two. I would also expect we will be adding more habitat.

The Pond Trail Cam

I included this picture since it shows a nice young buck that might be the one that has been rubbing on the spruce tree and willows northwest of the cabin.

I couldn't see what was causing the ripple in the pond, it is interesting to note that something besides Tom Baker swims in the pond

Just thought this was a cute picture of a doe wondering what's going on. Again, most of the pictures during this time were at night.

I liked this picture

Another night time picture

The Gate Camera

Ok, this was the only thing I took from the gate camera. We had some nice pictures of deer along with a few nice videos, but they were all "trumped" by this video of a Timber Wolf walking east on our driveway early one morning.
The Camera by Matt's Stand
The most significant picture was the one I loaded in a previous blog showing John and Nick Sanner dragging their doe from Matt's stand back to the cabin.

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