Thursday, November 12, 2009

Trenching and Graveling

About 10 days ago I got a call from Bruce Gunderson asking when we were going to trench the water and power line in. The reason he called was because he was going out of town November 12th and would be out of town for at least a week. I asked him to call Glenn Anderson and one thing led to another and they said they could do it Tuesday, November 10th. This was really great news because getting this done now could make the difference between starting construction next year or the following year.

Here's a great picture of Peggy and Floyd toasting the new cabin. I believe they are as excited about the cabin as the rest of us are. And as you all know, it's all about legacy.

We started at about 8:00 a.m. We spent some time figuring where we should trench. Should we trench east along the fence to the path through the woods and go straight south, should we go along the driveway and through the yard between the garage and wood shed or should we go along the north side of the drive way, turn south by the power pole and along the east side of the driveway and then east behind the wood shed . . . which is what we did.

The significance of this picture is to show you the white flags next to the well. We aren't totally sure how they got there but however they did, we are greatful.

Here we are just getting started. This first part was kind of putsy since we had to expose the well pipe to install the pitless unit.

This is Bruce Gunderson drilling a hole in the well pipe where he will install the pitless unit.

Yup, this is what it looks like.

A steel band secures the unit to the side of the well.

Here's the finished product.

Here Bruce is installing the power cable. He also had to label this well. When you walk by sometime you can see the blue label secured to the top of the PVC pipe.

This is what the process looked like. Glenn's son Matthew ran the backhoe. The bottom of the trench is between six and seven feet down. To keep the dirt from filling in, Matthew also had to create three foot trenches on either side of the deep trench. When the trench was ready Floyd and I put the water and power line in the bottom of the trench and shoveled dirt on top. We did this in case during backfilling a rock wouldn't damage either the water line or the power cable. Since Floyd and I were able to do this, Glenn's other son, Pat, was able to haul gravel as you will see in the next pictures.

This is what Pat did all day. It takes about an hour per trip for each 8-10 ton load of class 5 gravel. Pat had to kind of hustle since the truck doesn't have headlights. We asked him to gravel the driveway and into the yard and to put 6" of gravel on the cabin site. You can see the piles on the site but I don't know if that's all of it or not. You can see the gate on the right side of this picture.

Looks pretty good, right? What beautiful weather!

I think we need a deer warning sign.

I tried to show how much was done before Floyd and I left.

As you can see we didn't have gravel at this end of the driveway when we left. You can see the direction of the trench. If you look closely, I think you can see the ID tag on the well.

This picture is looking west as the backhoe is moving east. We cleared out space south of the woodshed to bring the line straight into the cabin site.

You might remember seeing a water line on the west side of the cabin site. Here we've connected the water line from the well to the line that was poking out of the ground on the west side of the cabin. The shallow trench wa for the power cable.

Here's Floyd standing next to the trench. You can see the stakes to approximate the west edge of the cabin. I spooled off about 50" of power cable that will allow us to connect to the west side of the cabin. We thought this would be better than burying it under the cabin.

It really was a fun day. We got a ton of work done and another major step closer to the cabin.

Deer Hunting

An amazing season! The weather was great and there were more deer than normal due in some part to not much hunting this past season.

Here we are hanging one of the eight deer shot the first day.

A short clip showing the team in action.

Up goes another deer. Since the weather in the 50s, we were pretty quick to get the deer processed.

And another deer.

11 of the 16 hunters

15 of 16 hunters

You can tell it is pretty warm, check John Baker in shorts!

I think we all had a good time. If anyone has more pictures they would like to add to this blog, someone can help me add them as a blogger to this site or you can send the pictures to me and I will add them.