Wednesday, September 10, 2008

South of the cabin is seeded

This is really a short update

Sue, Floyd and I went out to the cabin this morning. We stopped in Lake Bronson to buy some rye (56 lbs for $11.00). At the cabin we hooked two harrow sections one behind the other and worked up the area south of the cabin. We then seeded the whole bag of rye and followed up with the harrow.

We are supposed to get rain tonight. It probably would be good for the area we seeded but the farmers don't need it. The crops currently look great!

We are also looking for a "Spring Tooth" implement which will help us work up more food plots. It would be nice if we could find one near the cabin but if we can't we will trailer it up.

Today we also put fresh batteries in the 5th trailcam and mounted in on a post on the fence line just north of the old cabin. The camera is looking southeast across the clearing.

I called Glenn Anderson to see if our bills were paid and they are.

Hope you are all doing well.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"It's a little bit of heaven out here." - Floyd Sanner- 9/9/08

Sue and I just arrived in Lancaster late this afternoon. Before supper, Floyd said, "Why don't we run out to the camp to check on the seeding." We loaded the ATV and went out there. Tomorrow Floyd, Sue, and I will go out and seed the area south of the cabin.

This is at the Northeast corner of the pasture looking east along the south end of the 120 acres.
Floyd and I checked for tracks along the way. We saw lots of track but I would expect to see more as the stuff grows more and as it get later in the fall.

This is the stuff coming up by the pond; looks good. Floyd said it all looks "fabulous".

This is just northwest of Matt's stand. Looks awesome!

This is about 150 yards east of Matt's stand.

Down by the pond on the northeast end of the pasture. I did this picture to get a close-up of the clover type plants.

By the pond stand.

On the right side of the picture you can look down the east side of the 80. On the left side you can see the southeast end of the dozing.

Pretty cool,

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Trail Cam videos of deer

These are more videos from the trailcam west of the cabin. The trailcam was placed by Bob so we could all see what goes on at the cabin when no one is around. I think I did better at this last night, we had happy hour last night and it was easier. Tonight we skipped happy hour and now I am trying to show Bob how to do this, well it seemed to take twice as long, but maybe it just hazy last night. Enjoy!

Sandhill Cranes on trailcam

This video is from a trailcam that was put out near the enterance of Sanchijebanobe to monitor the area for intruders and wildlife. Pretty neat stuff. Now that I know how to do this, you will be able to view more action from the several trailcams posted throughout the property.